
All transaction will appears in donor giving history

8 Donors Found
Member Id First Name Last Name ENV.# Address location Phone Email/login 12 Month Stats Action
565433254688 Samanatha Fox 66012 #1409, New york Avenue Suite 110 Brooklyn, 11238 New york Parish 789-9765-65443
  • Total :
  • Count :
  • last Login : 6/10/2020, 12:00pm
565433254688 Samanatha Fox 66012 #1409, New york Avenue Suite 110 Brooklyn, 11238 New york Parish 789-9765-65443
  • Total :
  • Count :
  • last Login : 6/10/2020, 12:00pm
565433254688 Samanatha Fox 66012 #1409, New york Avenue Suite 110 Brooklyn, 11238 New york Parish 789-9765-65443
  • Total :
  • Count :
  • last Login : 6/10/2020, 12:00pm
565433254688 Samanatha Fox 66012 #1409, New york Avenue Suite 110 Brooklyn, 11238 New york Parish 789-9765-65443
  • Total :
  • Count :
  • last Login : 6/10/2020, 12:00pm

If you discover a duplicate donor, the administrator can use the tool below to merge duplicate profiles into a single profile, This action will merge all the following for your donor:

  • Payment Profiles
  • Recurring Transaction
  • Text Giving
  • Giving History

Select from this donor profile

Merge into this donor profile

Merge into this donor profile

Contribution Aknowledgment and Reminder

Accept Format First Last (email) or Leave Blank
Send copy of an email leave blank for no CC
Send blind copy of an email leave blank for no BCC
Accept Format First Last (email) or Leave Blank
You may use any of the following placeholder in your email



You can display email or export donor's statement
Statement Successfully Generated
Ref.# Date Amount Purpose Freq Date Range Status Last Paid Pay Type Donation Note Action
54897 05/12/2019 $20 Gernal Fund Weekly 05/12/2019 - 08/30/2019 Completed 08/30/2019 VisaXXXXXXXX6757 Edit
54897 05/12/2019 $20 Gernal Fund Weekly 05/12/2019 - 08/30/2019 Completed 08/30/2019 VisaXXXXXXXX6757 Edit
54897 05/12/2019 $20 Gernal Fund Weekly 05/12/2019 - 08/30/2019 Completed 08/30/2019 VisaXXXXXXXX6757 Edit
54897 05/12/2019 $20 Gernal Fund Weekly 05/12/2019 - 08/30/2019 Completed 08/30/2019 VisaXXXXXXXX6757 Edit

Important Notice

Donation are linked to a donor's email address, If you are using virtual terminal to submit a donation for multiple donors, Please use a unique email address, Otherwise the donations will be listed under 1 doner profile.

Transaction Information

Contact Information

Note: Billing Information must match what is on file with the account issuer

Payment Method

Credit/Debit Card Information


E-Check Information